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New version of Nimbus Screenshot for Google Chrome – improved performance in Entire Mode and a lot more

A new version of Nimbus Screenshot and Screencast for Google Chrome has been released.

Main changes:

Improved Entire Page mode

We considerably reworked the entire page screenshot mode. If before we were unable to scroll through complex pages like Gmail or Mailchimp, this problem has been fixed now. If you are still unable to make a screenshot of the entire page, please send the link to our support service.

Recording video from context menu

In the new version we added the option of quick video recording right from the context menu. Please note that the recording begins right after you press Record video without any options showing up for selection.

Possibility to set default element in the editor

An arrow is the default element in our editor. But some may use a rectangular more often, or a pencil. In the new version you can decide for yourself which elements will be active once a screenshot is created – you just need to right-click on the required elements and press Set by default.

Download Nimbus Screenshot and Screencast for Google Chrome – https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/nimbus-screenshot-and-scr/bpconcjcammlapcogcnnelfmaeghhagj?hl=en

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