FuseBase Updates (Feb–Mar 2024): Granular Permissions & More
- 5 Min read
We glad to inform you about some important updates of our products:
1) Our web-clipper today can send emails using Gmail and Yandex services to your Nimbus account. At the same time all attached files are saved. You need to open your email (currently Gmail and Yandex are supported), then press the Clipper button. In the preview window, you will be able to edit the text of your note and specify which attachments have to be sent to Nimbus and which ones don’t.
Download Nimbus Clipper for Chrome https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/web-clipper-nimbus/kiokdhlcmjagacmcgoikapbjmmhfchbi
2) We add feature of your public note saving using password. It’s not infrequent that you need to share a note with someone else. This is what public notes are for in Nimbus. However, there are also cases when a note contains confidential information that should not be seen by neither a potential competitor nor the ubiquitous Google bot. For cases like that, we came up with the option of password protecting your public notes. To do this, you need to share a note in web interface (only there, for now) and check the Set password box, then enter the desired password.
Web-interface – https://nimbus.everhelper.me/client/
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