Team & Project Management

How To Effectively Use Remote Work And Create Remote Workplaces

Remote work has become increasingly popular as more companies have been forced to consider alternate options to get work done, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

As organizations and employees have realized the benefits of remote work, such as greater flexibility and lower costs, it also has challenges that need to be addressed.

If you’re considering remote work or creating a remote workplace, it’s useful to learn more so you can make informed decisions.

What Is Remote Work?

Remote work is the practice of working outside a traditional office location, usually from home. This means that instead of working out of an office, employees can choose where they would like to work from.

This type of work arrangement allows remote workers to be flexible and independent, while still being connected to their colleagues and clients.

Remote work also offers employees the opportunity to set their own hours, which means they can work during hours that increase their productivity.

As employers are being forced to consider remote work models, it can lead to their creation of a new type of workplace.

Remote working is available in various ways. That’s what remote work offers. They have choices for work that are most suitable to them and it’s an excellent career choice. Some workers are able to work remotely most days but have to travel for one day to in-person meetings in their office once a week. The remote worker typically works in the office at home or at an office nearby. Other workers use coworking spaces as their place to do what needs doing.

What Are the Benefits of Remote Work?

Since 2005 the number of people working from home has grown to 140%. Most migrations to remote work occurred within the past decade. Remote working has proven to produce a promising return on investments wherever the practice is carried out. We are interested to learn how remote work is beneficial to our lives.

It’s becoming increasingly popular because there are many benefits remote work offers.

1. Less time communicating

When you work remotely, you will save time because you won’t need to travel to an office. This means you can allocate that time for a better work-life balance, which leads to more life satisfaction and increased happiness.

2. Reduced costs

Companies save money because they don’t need to pay for a traditional work office space, utilities, and equipment. Employees also save money on transportation or commuting costs with remote work.

3. Better employee retention

Employees who work at home often enjoy their jobs more than those who work in an office. This is because they have a better social life as they get to spend more time with their family and friends. Remote work allows employees to focus on other things outside work, such as their health and wellness.

4. Increased productivity

Remote workers can be more productive than those who work in offices because they can focus on one task without distractions. This type of focus work means tasks are completed faster. This also means remote work allows employees to get more work done.

5. More flexibility

Since remote workers can work when they want, they can take advantage of different opportunities. For example, if they are interested in learning a new skill, they can take an online course. Remote work gives workers the opportunity to improve their skills and knowledge, which will benefit the company too.

The biggest reason people prefer working remotely is that they enjoy a more flexible lifestyle. Remote workers can focus on what matters more outside their workplace while working, without requiring a fixed schedule. A remote worker may start work earlier at night for a child to return from school or leave work for a physician appointment on weekends, this will give the worker time off to attend the school day. Other situations may be remote workers that want more training for their fields.

Remote work is an important factor that increases flexibility. Remote workers will put a lot of extra effort to do the job in comparison to the office workforce. 65% say they believe working remotely can boost productivity – and their supervisors agree with them. The surveyed survey revealed that nearly two quarters report better productivity from remote personnel. Cost saving remote workers also benefits company profitability.

Is Remote Working Effective?

There were times when remote jobs were still a possibility, but technology was lacking. If someone wanted to contact you while you weren’t working they could not contact you by phone, fax or e-mail. You could also use another telephone number or phone number or a fax number in order to a talk about a specific task. Even the “retirement” job was not as common today. Remote jobs are typically essentially telemarketing and customer service positions at lower wages, said Samantha Lambert.

Most companies felt that remote work would have a huge impact on productivity. Are employees productive if there’s no constant supervision from their supervisors? Airtasker conducted a survey to determine whether remote work is effective or not in all jobs worldwide. The findings suggest the remote workforce is actually more effective as opposed to the office worker.

The Disadvantages Of Remote Work

While remote work has its advantages, you also need to consider its challenges, so you can take steps to overcome them.

1. Difficult to develop a team culture

When you have remote work teams, it usually means workers are in multiple locations. Having a work culture that promotes collaboration and good communication becomes challenging.

To overcome this, the options you have include having effective remote work tools, such as video conferencing software. Other digital tools, such as project management tools, file sharing and storage options, and automation tools, can also help you create a better remote work culture.

2. Lack of face-to-face interaction

Another challenge of remote work is people may not be as connected and may not feel as comfortable interacting with each other. To create a collaborative and positive work environment, employees will need to interact with each other regularly.

You can accomplish this by having regular check-ins through virtual meetings and work events, which will allow remote employees to connect with each other and share ideas. Even though with remote work employees can feel isolated, you can still encourage them to stay connected with their remote work colleagues through different platforms.

A lack of immediate supervision might lead to feelings of difficult management of remotely managed projects. This is probably true at some point, and it should also make you know there will be numerous techniques for managing remote teams once you address basic problems. We’ll see where it goes.

3. Harder to manage projects

Managing projects can be difficult when you work remotely, which can make it harder for managers to manage performance.

Having a powerful project management platform, which can help centralize work, is essential. A unified platform or app will ensure your remote team knows what needs to be done to accomplish work priorities. It also involves providing solutions and the right resources so employees can meet deadlines and milestones.

Remote work should not cause delays with projects if they are managed correctly.

4. Challenges with technology

When you have a digital workplace, getting everyone up to speed with technology is a major challenge. This will require regular training for your remote work teams.

When choosing workplace remote tools, which can include cloud computing services and automation tools, you need to ensure employees feel comfortable using them. If your remote work teams are trained well, it will reduce mistakes and the quality of work produced will improve.

5. Time zone differences

When employees work from many locations and in different time zones, coordinating meetings is a lot harder. This can cause communication issues and can lead to misunderstandings and delays in completing tasks, which will not create a healthy work environment.

This is best addressed by having an effective scheduling tool, which will allow remote employees to schedule meetings and collaborate effectively.

Even though there are challenges with remote work and having a remote workplace, they can be overcome, which means remote working is effective. Everyone involved needs to do their part to make remote work beneficial.

Why Do People Choose Remote Workplace?

Since so much has changed in the world and in people’s working style, having a remote job is becoming increasingly popular and has many benefits. Here are reasons why a person may choose a company with a remote workplace.

1. Flexibility

Having the ability to work from home gives remote employees more flexibility to decide how they want to spend their day. A remote employee can choose when they wake up and go to bed, which means they can adjust their working style to suit their remote job schedule.

2. More productivity

Many organizations worldwide focus on increased job productivity and have clear guidelines about it. Employees who work from home often perform effectively and are more productive than their colleagues doing office work. The reason remote employees work better than in office employees is because they don’t have to commute to an office every day, which also supports better public health.

3. Less stress

The less stress workers experience in a remote workplace, their ability to perform increases. When a remote employee is stressed because of their remote job or office environment, they become distracted and unfocused, which makes them unable to complete tasks on time. If a business wants remote employees to work for them long term, management needs to create attractive remote job conditions and provide incentives for a person to stick around.

4. Better health

Remote employees who work from home take better care of themselves. When they work from home, they have a better work-life balance and contribute to a healthy culture even though they’re working remotely. A company’s culture plays an important role in employee engagement and encouraging healthier employees.

5. Lower costs

A person working remotely saves money on commuting costs because they don’t have to travel to an office environment. In addition, unlike a traditional office, a business can avoid paying rent for a coworking space and other expenses associated with a company’s office space. Taking advantage of technology and tools available today to maintain communication will help a company keep their costs down.

6. No office politics

It’s not uncommon for a business to have office politics, which will affect the company culture. Remote employees don’t have to deal with this. Remote employees work don’t have to deal with office politics with their colleagues. Small businesses can focus on building strong remote teams and on talent retention, since the job market is competitive for remote jobs and the number of organizations searching for remote employees continues to increase. This will also help a company in their hiring process because any remote employee will want to continue working for a company that has good values and a healthy business culture.

7. Improved communication

Remote workplaces rely on technology and collaboration tools for regular communication. A business, for example, may have more virtual meetings rather than in person meetings by utilizing digital tools. This allows remote employees to work hours they choose, which also helps improve communication and collaboration. This allows management and employers to provide remote work opportunities and build strong remote teams. As the remote work model continues to change around the world, organizations that make the best use of technology and continue using virtual communication tools will create better remote workplaces and a stronger remote workforce.

8. Better teamwork

With unlimited access to technology and various communication tools, the focus of management in organizations needs to be on developing their remote teams. This can be done with a remote employee through regular check ins, which can be scheduled every week, as an example. The tools and technology will allow a person to do their job well, which means employers can improve team performance and productivity.


“It’s been three years since I’ve worked from home and I couldn’t be more productive. My teammates are all over the globe. This month we’ve finished our huge rebranding project, which was delivered by an all-remote team and this was a symfabulous experience (as we’re Symfa now).

So, what keeps us engaged and motivated? A lot of things: love for what we do, transparency and respect (which are the core company values at Symfa), our leaders who are super professional and committed in the first place. As for control, we have none. No time-tracking software, no detailed reporting (except for the client projects, of course).

Avoid control. Humans are intelligent creatures with free will. If they don’t see the reason why they should put their best effort into a project, personally I can’t imagine any controls that would make them do that.”

Veronica Chizh
Copywriter & Digital Marketer

How Remote Work Benefits Employers

Remote work does not only benefit a person because there are also many advantages for employers and companies.

1. Hire workers from around the world

A remote job can attract job seekers from around the world. Since a company does not need to provide coworking spaces, they can offer flexible job conditions to make it more attractive to people in different countries. Companies that offer better job schedules will reduce their turnover rates. This is a significant cost saving to any business, which can lead to more jobs being created.

2. Improve customer service

Companies that offer remote job options can provide excellent customer service. Remote workers can handle customer inquiries from anywhere, which makes it easier for customers to reach them. This will help a business improve its brand image and reputation.

3. Save money

Since remote work doesn’t require office space, companies save money on rent of coworking spaces and utilities. In addition, a business can reduce costs associated with commuting and other expenses related to an office environment.

4. Create a positive work environment

When a business creates a positive work environment, it attracts talented individuals. This can lead to a higher level of engagement among employees, which results in increased productivity.

5. Reduce absenteeism

Employees who work remotely are less likely to miss work due to illness or family issues. This is because they can work when they feel most productive, which leads to fewer sick days taken. This means employers can lower their insurance premiums and healthcare costs.

6. Lower recruitment costs

Recruiting remote employees becomes much simpler since you don’t have to pay for office space. A company can hire a person from anywhere in the world as a contractor, remote worker, or freelancer.

7. Keep up with trends

If a business wants to stay competitive, it must keep up with current trends. Technology has made it possible for businesses to operate effectively regardless of where their workers are located.

Remote Work Culture: 7 Development Tips

Remote working is not always successful unless it’s efficient and the tools used can vary greatly but the culture within an organization and a team influences this in a big way. Developing remote work cultures is vital for harnessing the potential benefits of remote working.

Remote work is great because it allows employees to be flexible and productive as they work from wherever they choose. However, there are things you should keep in mind when considering remote work and developing a remote workplace culture.

1. Promote the importance of teams

Even though employees work remotely, they’re still working with other colleagues. This means they’re part of a team, which requires teamwork.

If you want your employees to be successful, you need to make teamwork an essential part of your work culture. You can do this by encouraging collaboration between teams and creating opportunities for employees to meet regularly, even if it’s outside work hours.

2. Provide feedback

Providing constructive feedback is important if you want your employees to improve their work skills and grow professionally. If you don’t provide feedback, your employees won’t know how they are performing or how they can improve at work.

This will require you to have regular team and one-on-one meetings, where you can discuss employee’s progress and how they can improve their work performance.

3. Encourage regular communication

Remote teams are vital for the effective functioning of their teams. However, it should be avoided if you are thinking of introducing a better communication system that employees can use themselves to get more information from them. Communications at remote jobs are very efficient and finesse is key.

Effective communication is key to any business. Employees need to communicate with one another to complete their tasks and also feel a sense of belonging while they are at work.

You can do this by holding regular virtual meetings to encourage employees to interact with each other and share ideas and information.

If you have many employees working remotely in the same location, you can consider creating a virtual office space where they can meet and collaborate. This will help build camaraderie and foster collaboration between team members.

4. Create a positive environment

A positive work environment will encourage employees to perform at their best. To create a positive remote work environment, you need to focus on the following:

  • Having fun.
  • Being supportive.
  • Creating a safe space.
  • Providing recognition.

Employees work better when they are happy in their work environment.

5.  Show transparency

When you show transparency, you’ll gain trust from your employees. Transparency will help you get buy-in from your employees and make sure everyone understands what’s going on.

To achieve this, you need to be open about the company’s vision, mission, goals, policies and procedures, including those related to remote work. This will ensure all employees understand what’s expected of them and why certain decisions were made.

Holding everyone accountable will also help with transparency and create a culture of trust.

6. Maintain Productivity

You can maintain productivity in remote work by using the following methods:

  • Setting a high level and realistic expectations;
  • Getting organized; with flexibility in meeting times;
  • Monitoring employee progress;
  • Listening to the needs provided;
  • Providing an integrated system for remote work.

Remote working offers great potential to improve productivity. The employee will not be required to travel long distances. Moreover, they are more likely to work more comfortably and stay focused. This increases employee working hours.

Challenges with Common Remote Work Tools

Switching and transferring information between multiple applications can result in significant losses in time. Remote workers can use video conferencing software to talk to someone to discuss their work, then use another application for chattering and emailing and an entirely new application if they want.

To have a remote workplace and for workers to make the most of remote work, you need to use remote work tools.

Here are examples of challenges with common remote work tools.

1. Online security with virtual offices

With virtual offices, employees can work together without being physically present in the same place.

However, virtual offices come with some challenges. For example, they lack the same level of privacy and security as you would in a business office, so you must take extra precautions to protect your data. This can become expensive for both employers and employees.

2. Reliable internet connection

To have regular virtual meetings via video conferencing, you need to have a reliable and fast internet connection. With employees working from different locations, they may not have reliable or consistent internet connection. This can make it difficult to hold regular meetings.

3. Need to use more online tools

Working together in a physical office often eliminates the need for many tools, such as video conferencing, using virtual whiteboards, and sharing documents.

However, when you’re working remotely, you need to use these tools regularly to keep things running smoothly.

For example, if you want to conduct a meeting over video conference, you need to download the right software and configure it properly before you start the remote meeting. You also need to set up an audio/video call and connect participants.

This requires time and effort. If you don’t have enough time or resources to manage these tasks, you may have problems with your remote meetings.

It is possible for someone to develop a remote team with a few basic tools. However, most of these provide only some part of a particular Remote Working skill like chat or videoconference, collaborative work processes, and so on.

Features of an Ideal Digital Workplace for Remote Work

The features of an ideal digital workplace for remote work that a company needs to consider include:

1. Easy-to-use software

Anyone in a remote job will need to use various software or tools. Employers need to ensure any software they provide is easy to use to employees don’t spend too much time learning how to use it. Technology should be simple so anyone can use it with minimal training. It should be integrated with the rest of the organization’s systems and processes. This ensures that everything runs smoothly and efficiently.

2. Accessible anytime

It should be accessible at all times so that an employee can get answers to questions quickly. They should also be able to access information whenever they want.

3. Secure

Employers should put security measures in place to prevent data loss and hacking. Employees should also be aware of what happens to their personal information. Privacy is also important for remote workers. They should have control over what information is shared with others.

4. Flexibility

This is important since a business cannot predict how long a project will take. Therefore, it should have a system that allows employees to change their plans as needed.

5. Communication and collaboration tools

Regular communication is essential for anyone in a remote job. A company should have a platform that enables easy communication and collaboration between employees. This way, everyone can share ideas and knowledge easily. When tools are used effectively, it gives employers options to introduce other tools to improve communication and collaboration.

6. Document and file storage

Cloud storage is another tool that helps businesses run smoothly. It provides a central repository for storing files and applications. This makes it easier for people to collaborate and share information.

Why a Digital Workplace is the Ideal Remote Work Platform

Image powered by FuseBase

A digital workplace is the ideal remote work platform because it allows you to easily communicate with your team members and share information.

FuseBase is the ideal remote work platform, providing you with access to the features you need to run your business efficiently. These include:

  • Easy collaboration using customizable workspaces, where you can create notes and set permission levels at the workspace and folder levels, and password-protect your notes.
  • Secure file storage using super documents, which enables you to store and share information in multiple formats, such as text, videos, images, audios, and hyperlinks.
  • Easier communication via FuseBase Chat, which eliminates the need to use a dedicated chat app.
  • Better collaboration via a client portal, which means you can keep all your client communication in one place.
  • Lower costs because you don’t have to use many apps, as FuseBase is an all-in-one solution for your digital workspace needs.

Create the best remote workspace and grow your business with FuseBase!

When creating a digital or remote workplace, you should focus on making sure it meets your needs and will help you work efficiently.

Remote work can provide both employers with a variety of benefits, such as improved efficiency and healthier workers. Tell me the reason behind Remote Jobs? How do you find a job outside your office? Can you list some great benefits of working remotely? Find a program that fits your needs.

If you do this, you’ll find your remote team members will enjoy their work and feel more connected to your organization. You’ll also benefit from increased productivity and efficiency, which ultimately will lead to higher profits.

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