Personal Productivity

Switch to a Paperless Office – Are You In?

The paperless office has become wildly popular in recent years due to the need to have access to all your files, notes, and important documents wherever you go without having to carry piles of physical folder and files around with you. But what is a paperless office and is it right for you? Going paperless can work for businesses, freelancers, students, people that work alone, or even entire departments that need a space where they can share information all in one place.

While it might sound difficult to set up a system like this, it is actually doesn’t have to be. Nimbus Note has successfully created a user-friendly paperless workspace that you can use for note-taking, storing files, editing documents, and sharing entire workspaces with your team members.

Nimbus Note allows you to gather all your files and documents that are easily accessible on your smartphone, handheld, laptop, and tablet devices. With the ability and accessibility to look over your files from anywhere on any device, you help to reduce the stress and preparation time for any of your projects.
Having a resource that captures all your office needs in one place form inception to execution is a great way to keep your team connected from anywhere in the world. Going the paperless route increases your capabilities as far as where you can work from, when you can work, and how to best suit your needs and your personal workflow.

All in One Note-Taking App

Working with your team on projects and deadlines requires a hub where all the members of your team can easily communicate and be able to access pertinent documents. Nimbus takes this to the next level, we have created a platform that allows for each team member to use their individual workspace as an area to jot down notes during meetings, or clip sections of web pages to be easily edited for future reference.

This is also an area where each team member can store their work documents in an organized way with little to no effort. Pulling out necessary information is easily done with the click of a button, and sharing complete files with your team members is even easier.

Nimbus Note is labeled as a note-taking app, but has the range to become much more than that. Planning, drafting, and executing projects on your own or with your team’s help is the purpose of Nimbus Note. Increased productivity is the ultimate goal when we created Nimbus. Maintaining good focus on your tasks while you have countless other apps notifying you constantly can be difficult.

We understand this is one of the reasons that going paperless might seem like a step that leads to decreased productivity as it also allows for team members and employees to become more easily distracted when given the option to work from anywhere and at any time. Fortunately, the platform we have created centralizes all aspects of project management so flipping back and forth between applications is not necessary therefore decreasing the potential to get distracted during work hours.

Planning & Structure

Increasing the output of tasks with Nimbus Note can be done in a few simple ways. First off, planning the shell of where your digital files will live on Nimbus is the most important step in getting started on your paperless office journey.

What does this mean? It’s simple, this means that your file storage systems should translate clearly. Each file should be labeled in a way that makes sense for the workflow of your team. Every important department that your office has should have it’s very own file. Within each of these files, your workflows for each department can be broken up so they are easily consumable and make sense to your team on what types of documents should be stored in each file created.

Using team “notebooks” on Nimbus makes this process super straightforward and structurally easy to understand.

What if I have important paper files?

Nimbus Note allows you to be able to upload your physical documents so you do not have to retype everything currently in use in your office. We understand that while you might be interested in going the paperless route, you might have started off with having physical documents and files for your team to use and refer to on a daily basis. Redoing these digitally is just not a route you want to take, and that is okay! We have taken care of this step so you can transfer any and all physical documents to a digital format simply by scanning them in and saving them to their corresponding notebooks or files.

This migration period might take some time, but once everything your office uses to get their daily tasks done, is uploaded to one central location you will see a huge increase in task output. Think about how efficient it would be to search for a client’s details on Nimbus where a scanned copy of their business card is uploaded, signed contracts, receipts, invoices, etc. And to top it off, still having the ability to make notes on each client file that the entire team can see. Bringing everyone up to speed is a key factor for our platform. The ability to have all the information on a project or client in one place, all while being able to create dialogue and bring everyone on the project up to speed seamlessly is a game-changer.

Maintaining the integrity of each new file uploaded while going through your own scanning process is very important to avoid misplacing digital files. In order for your migration process to happen efficiently, keep in mind that smaller files will be saved as either jpeg or pdf files, and multiple page scans will be uploaded as a pdf as well. This ensures everyone has the power to access files in formats understood and recognized by all devices.

What should I do with my digital files?

Much like your physical paperwork, digital files are easily integrable with Nimbus Note with the click of a button. All you will need to do is gather all the digital files you have amassed on the computers across your office that will bring value to any current or future projects. Your team might be able to help you with deciding which documents are necessary to upload to Nimbus, and which ones have gone obsolete.

Transitioning to a paperless office does not mean that you have to get rid of all the documents you currently have that help your team reference back to any pertinent policies, regulations, reference information, product details, sales figures, etc.
Nimbus Note is meant to bring all of the files you currently have into space where they can be easily accessed by anyone on your team. Alternatively, if certain file systems require a particular level of clearance, accessibility can be altered for certain teams in order to protect sensitive information.

Sharing has never been easier! At Nimbus Note, we can proudly say that we have created a system where going paperless is both efficient and clear to everyone on your team. You deserve to use a system that works for you, not the other way around!

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