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Time and Locations Reminders for Nimbus Note for Android

We are pleased to announce that we have added a new reminder feature to our applications. This feature will help you finish your planned business in time. It is worth noting that reminders are the most requested feature, and our users asked us to create not only time-based reminders but also location-based reminders which we gladly did 🙂

 Time-based reminders

To add a new reminder to a note is very simple – just click on the corresponding icon in note preview and select the desired type: time-based or location-based. When you select a time-based reminder, you can set date and time for the application to remind you about the note. There is also a repeat function activated after a certain period of time.

Location-based reminders

Often there are situations when time-based reminders are useless as it may be not clear when you will get to a certain place. In such cases, location-based reminders will come in handy. They will give you an opportunity to not only focus on hours, minutes and seconds but also to receive reminders upon arrival to work or shop.

Location-based reminders are not complicated either – you just select a place (or find it through a search form) and put a pin on it … and that’s it. And when you get to that place, you will only have to wait for your notification from the application.

What’s next?

We have just started working on reminders, and so far they are only available to users of Nimbus Note on Android and Windows Phone. But we do not sit back and are going to add functionality to other platforms too.

Download Nimbus Note for Android – https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bvblogic.nimbusnote

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