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Top Nimbus Updates of January 2022

A fresh start for 2022

The first month of the new year is quite essential, isn’t it? It’s important to set the tone for a successful year and get into the swing of things early! The Nimbus team took the new year by storm. We’ve entered 2022 with a few goals you’ll be excited about!

A sneak peak at what Nimbus can do for you starting in January 2022

Set inline reminders

Are you working on a project with a team? Then, you’ll like our new feature! Now, you can use reminders to meet the deadline for essential tasks or appointments.

Just set your desired date and time and add reminders to stay on top of your goals.

Choose when the reminder will be sent: for example, a week or 15 minutes before the needed date/time. Is your schedule getting out of hand? Add up to 5 reminders to each date.

You and your colleagues will receive notifications to your emails or mobile versions of the app.

Inline alerts

Receive reminders by email

Set additional reminders with a simple click on the bell in the top-right corner.

You can keep track of upcoming appointments, view past ones, and have stronger visibility into your tasks at hand to ease your workload.

Enable notifications in the web client settings to start experiencing this feature.

Receive reminders by email

Take screenshots and record videos straight from Gmail

Imagine you want to send an email with new ideas or offers to your clients. Typing out every recommendation takes way too long but a simple screen recording cuts that time in half. Save time and bring clarity to your ideas with screenshots and recordings directly from Gmail.

The system will automatically create a public link to a shared page in your email and notify your clients when they receive your video recording or screenshots.

Unlock more opportunities for your recording and screenshots

The possibilities are endless with Nimbus Mobile

Skyrocket your productivity with the iOS version of the app:

  • Don’t worry if you accidentally delete or change a part of your page. Nimbus allows you to restore or view the required version of the page with Version History. We’ve added it on iOS because we know how you enjoy working on the go.
  • Change page formatting and back up your information any time, anywhere. You can now export your pages to PDF or HTML and conveniently create client proposals through the app while maintaining access to your original files.
    Export to PDF available only for Pro plan users. Learn more about Pro plan benefits and upgrade here >>
  • Work with better synchronization. For huge Nimbus fans, we’ve increased the synchronization speed for the accounts that have more than 5000 pages. Now you can switch between pages and collaborate faster.

Download the iOS version of the app here>>

Enjoy updates on Android:

  • Version History for Android allows you to never lose your work. A couple of clicks is all it takes to see all steps of your projects and return to the needed step any time.
  • Find your folders faster! How many folders do you have? 5? 50? 100?? Sometimes it can be messy to navigate to the one you want. That’s why we’ve improved our folder system. Find & open your files in the blink of an eye.

Install the Android version of our app here>>

Work efficiently with upgraded tables

In Nimbus, you can turn tables into databases, add different types of content (text, files, images, etc), and find what you need faster with our internal table search. Now, there is no need to scroll all the table to find what you’re looking for.

What you can look forward to

Thought those updates were impressive? Just wait until you see what else we have in store:

  • Call-to-action elements in our video editor;
  • Comments for the web version;
  • Tracking of your project with the activity panel. The panel will allow you to check all processes in your workspace (page creation, reminders, mentions, and so on);
  • Task list and more!

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