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We launched Nimbus Screenshot App for Google Chrome

We are excited to announce the release of Nimbus Screenshot App. Nimbus Screenshot App is different from our add-on Nimbus Screenshot in a number of ways:

1) It’s launched through the app panel in Google Chrome.

2) You can make a screenshot of just the active window. This is a disadvantage, on the one hand, as you will not be able to select a fragment of your screen or make a full page screenshot. On the other hand, you are no longer limited by the Google Chrome window, i.e. you can make a screenshot of a Skype of a Photoshop window.

3) Besides screenshots, you can also edit images from your computer. It’s not fully-featured Photoshop, obviously, but still pretty good.

The rest is familiar – same convenient functional editor that also allows saving your creations to
Nimbus Note and Google Drive.

Link – https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/nimbus-screenshot-screen/bpconcjcammlapcogcnnelfmaeghhagj?hl=en

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