
How Collaboration Software Improves Productivity

As the saying goes, two heads are better than one. Indeed, working together makes completing tasks easier, faster, and more fun. This is why businesses are beginning to see the importance of collaboration software in increasing productivity in their workplace.

In fact, a study by Markets and Markets estimates that the worldwide market for enterprise collaboration solution will increase from $31.0 billion in 2019 to $48.1 billion by 2024. As companies look for ways to innovate teamwork among their employees, various types of collaboration tools are now available on the internet.

Such software paves the way for a more proactive and open communication between your employees and a more streamlined approach on tackling projects and issues within your company. From note sharing, virtual meeting rooms, real-time document editing, and online planners, these are just some of the collaboration tools examples that can improve and streamline your workflow.

Aside from those, here are more ways on how collaboration software can increase your business’ productivity.

1. Creates flexible work environment

As remote work continues to grow popular, there is an underlying anxiety among businesses that this may impact the overall performance of their employees. According to some work from home productivity studies, the downside of the setup is the lack of a proper structure to maintain collaboration between members.

With the use of a remote collaboration software, employees can now work in the comforts of their homes without being cut off from the rest of the team. With features like instant messaging or live notification boards available in some collaboration software, nobody will be left behind.

Meetings can easily be held anytime and anywhere thanks to features such as video calls and conferences. Whether one of the members is at home or somewhere else, the team can still come together to brainstorm and discuss ideas online.

Some collaboration software also allows real-time file editing and sharing. This can come in handy during work from home setups since it allows multiple users to work on a single project simultaneously regardless of where they are.

2. Increases engagement among members

The ease in communication brought by collaboration tools also means an increase in engagement among team members. When given a platform where they can easily share their ideas, more voices will begin to speak up and share their insights. This is especially helpful for the newcomers or shyer employees who have trouble with speaking in front of a group.

This also gives them time to compose their thoughts and ideas before sharing them to the team. Likewise, clashing ideas can be analyzed and taken equally into account. The line for discussion can remain open and accessible anytime and anywhere.

In fact, a recent study from Radicati shows that there are over 7 billion instant messaging accounts in 2019. This figure is even predicted to grow by 6% over the next four years until it reaches 8.9 billion accounts by the end of 2023. This goes to show the reliance of this generation on the convenience of online applications to proactively engage with other people.

3. Instills accountability on individual tasks

Through notification boards, employees can check out their assigned tasks without needing to backtrack their inbox to recall a particular request from their supervisors. This avoids instances of missing out on assignments that are essential in the development of the whole project.

With a centralized tasks checklist, members are aware of the proper division of tasks. Unlike emails where the knowledge of the responsibility is stuck between a handful of people, having everyone know each other’s duties instills a sense of accountability in their individual work.

Managers can even set up reminders for assignment deadlines to keep the team on track. The transparency adds an extra pressure on employees to ensure that they accomplish their tasks in a timely manner to avoid delays.

4. Lessens misunderstanding

According to a report from Mitel, nearly 15% of employees’ total work time is wasted on inefficient communications. Oftentimes, verbal instructions aren’t as reliable as written ones since there are risks of mishearing or forgetting some details.

Likewise, announcements from traditional bulletin boards may not reach other employees. Emails, too, can often be buried under a plethora of other emails. This results in the lack of proper information dissemination, which in turn, may have negative effects on the productivity of the team.

Having an online platform where all vital updates are posted ensures that everyone is kept in the loop. Through this, information becomes accessible through their computers, mobile and tablets. This also makes it easier for them to backtrack discussions and announcements.

In cases of confusion, team members can directly reach out to their supervisors or colleagues for clarifications. Other collaboration software for business allows the addition of comments on tasks assignments or files where anyone can point out or expound on vague directions or inputs.

5. Hastens work progress

Collaboration tools hasten work progress since team members can easily reach out with one another online. They no longer have to spend time looking for others in the office, water cooler areas or meeting rooms. Figuring out the best way to sync schedules just so they can discuss plans won’t be much of a problem either. They can simply leave each other messages and notes over the platform and move on with their tasks without having to wait for one another.

Real-time file editing also lessens the time of having a document passed back and forth through emails. At the same time, they can apply revisions instantaneously upon sharing the documents with other members of the team.

6. Tracks progress and performance of team

Keeping track of what everybody is doing can be tough at times especially if you are handling a large group. Through collaboration tools, you can monitor individual performances and their progress with just a few clicks.

Some collaboration tools for business can provide an overview of important updates regarding the progress of a project. It can also display a projected timeline of events to mark important deadlines and milestones for the team. Likewise, assignments can be traced back to the individual responsible for it so you can keep track of the workflow.

By having a comprehensive and realistic timeline, you can prioritize urgent tasks and focus on what needs to be done to boost your team’s productivity. It also cuts down redundant meetings and status reports and allocates more time into making further progress on the project itself.

7. Stores important files

One of the essential collaboration tools for business is the ability to store and share files. When files are easily accessible, anyone can start working on their tasks immediately regardless of where they are. Uploading them into a centralized, cloud-based platform also ensures that the files are secured and easily duplicated.

By moving paper works into the cloud, you don’t have to worry about needing to manually search for the file you need. It also lessens the risk of losing important documents over the mountain of papers lying around. You can also avoid having to sort and organize through them because the software can do it for you.

This is the case with Nimbus Note. This collaboration software allows the creation and storage of notes and documents directly from their software to facilitate a smoother workflow. From word documents, photo attachments, spreadsheets, tables, and charts, you can directly generate new files or upload them into the application where your employees can access them whenever they need to.

Productive together

As more and more studies show, working in teams increases productivity in the business. This is why the demand for collaboration tools are steadily increasing over the years. They provide a more structured approach in teamwork and establish steadier workflows for your business. It also assists you in managing your teams, while also giving your members a platform where they can reach out to you and to one another.

With all the collaboration software available on the internet, now is the best time to discover how such tools can help you improve your business’ productivity. Each one offers a diverse mixture of features that will facilitate collaboration within your company. Just keep in mind your business’ needs in order to choose which one is the best for you.

Learn more about Nimbus Note collaboration features

Learn more about Nimbus Note collaboration features

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