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  • Nov 14, 2017
  • 3 Min

New search filters in Nimbus Note for web – brief guide


We added a large number of new search filters to Nimbus Note for web and today we’ll tell you more about them.

Nimbus Note web-client –

1) Date operator – searching by creation date.


Allows locating notes that were created on a specific day or during a specific period.


date:06/09/2017 – will display all notes created on September 6, 2017. If the western date format is used, notes for June 9, 2017 will display.

date:06/09/2017-25/09/2017 – will display all notes created during the period between September 6 and September 25.

date:09 – displays all notes created in September this year.

Search word date: 06/09/2017 – will display notes created on September 6 and contain the search word.

2) Folders operator – searches in specific folders


Allows you to find notes located in specific folders


search word folders: folder1, folder2 – looks for notes in folders folder1 and folder2 containing the search word.

For long folder names, you can use quotation marks.

For instance, search word folders: “my main folder” – looks for notes from folder called “my main folder” containing the search word.

3) Tags operator – searching through notes with specific tags


Allows you to locate notes with specific tags.

Works in the same way as the “folders” filter. Therefore, folders: must be replaced with tags:

3) Files operator: searches for notes with specific file types


Allows you to locate notes that contain specific types of files.


files:mp4 – Allows you to locate notes containing mp4 files.

search word files:mp4 – allows you to locate notes that contain mp4 files and the search word in the text.

4) Encryption:yes operator – Allows you to locate all encrypted notes.



encryption:yes – will display all encrypted notes

search word encryption:yes – will show all encrypted notes containing the search word in the title.

5) Intitle operator – allows searching through note titles only.



intitle:game – will find all notes containing the word “game” in their title

6) Todo operator – shows notes with tasks to-do



todo: – will display all notes with tasks to do

todo: false – will display all notes with UNcompleted tasks.

7) Color operator –  displays notes of specific color.



color: purple
color: blue
color: lightblue
color: red
color: yellow
color: orange
color: green

search word color:green – will display notes that are color-tagged green and contain the search word.

8) Highlight operator– allows searching through highlighted text.



highlight:yes – displays all notes with highlighted text.

search word highlight:yes – displays notes with the search word in highlighted text.

9) Inurl operator – allows locating notes that were saved from a specific site (for example, via Nimbus Clipper).


Examples: – allows locating all notes that were saved from

search word – allows locating notes that were saved from and contain the search word.

Complex queries

Nimbus Note supports complex queries. For instance, you need to locate all notes that are color-tagged green, saved from and contain the word “game”. To do this, you just need to enter the following in the search field: game color:green

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