Updates and News

Top Nimbus Updates of November 2021

Hey community! The weather’s getting colder, isn’t it? Time to check Nimbus Updates of November.
Let’s see how Nimbus has enhanced during the last month.

Without further ado, let’s start the wonderful news!

Nimbus has been recognized by GetApp as one of the Top Small Business Project Management Software of 2021! Getting this award was only possible thanks to the great feedback from our dear community. We are glad to have your support!

Nimbus Note GetApp awards

What you can do in Nimbus starting from November 2021

Enjoy a long-awaited version history!

Have you come across situations where team members leave a project or delete important information by mistake?

Now, you can avoid this. Just track the history of your project!

  • See who changed information in a project and when.
  • Restore the desired version of a project.
  • Get the whole chronology of how a project changed.
  • Empower knowledge sharing in your team.

Just select the Version history option from the menu to see all the changes and restore information.

Find detailed instructions on Version history here >>

Version history

See who else is working on a note

Collaboration in Nimbus just got smoother! If you share your notes with your clients & teams, you can now enjoy watching while others work on a note!

See who reads or edits a page in real-time and recognize teammates by their names and avatars. You can easily turn this option off in settings.

P.S. We plan to add this feature as a default option very soon.

Who is working on note feature

To try this and many other features for teamwork, try the Nimbus Business Plan. Get a free 14-day trial, no credit card required.

Check out improved speed and other updates for the Android app

We work to ensure that our apps are fast and reliable. This month we’ve made a serious update to the Android app! Now you can:

  • Enjoy improved synchronization speed and skyrocket your productivity ?.
  • Create workspaces in a business organization. This option is available for owners and managers of Business organizations.
? Install the Android version of our app here >>

Learn more about freshly baked updates for iOS

We didn’t forget to add some features for iOS too! Download the app here >>
and check out our new abilities:

  • Take photos on your phone and attach them right away into notes.
  • Create workspaces in a business organization. This option is only available for owners and managers of Business organizations.

Try Split mode on iPad

We’ve already shown a small preview of this feature in our October releases >>

Many of you asked how to turn on Split mode on iPad, so we’ve decided to give you more details.

Just open Nimbus and tap the three dots on the top of the screen. Select Split mode and open Nimbus one more time in the second part of the screen. Then, choose the notes you would like to have on your split screen.

Compare, edit and copy information from one document and paste it onto another at the same time – and more.

Split mode ipad

Use toggles on all our apps

Now, toggles are available on Windows, Mac, Android and iOS!

They help you:

  • sort information;
  • make sections within notes;
  • focus customers and team members on one section of content at a time.
Organize your information on Nimbus pages and navigate your teams & clients even better with Toggles! Learn more in our guides >>

Get more life hacks on Nimbus from our users

We’ve launched a series of insights from our dear community.

You can follow the hashtag #Nimbus_community on our pages on social media and get more tips on how you can use Nimbus. Take a look at one of them below ?

P.S. don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel to see more useful info about Nimbus

What to expect from us in the near future

We’re gathering steam and plan to release:

  • enhanced tables with lightning speed and synchronization
  • comments for the web version
  • inline reminders and more!

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