Updates and News

Top Nimbus Updates of September & October 2021

Long time no see! We’re back with our hottest releases for September and October. We worked really hard these months and now it’s time to sync our updates with our best community.

The first update is quite visible. How do you like our new blog theme? Stylish, isn’t it?

What’s new in Nimbus:

Toggle is an expandable list that can contain any Nimbus block: text, images, tables and so on. Each toggle has a triangle icon near the heading: just click on it to expand or collapse information inside a toggle.
With the new object, you can:

  • sort information;
  • make sections within notes;
  • focus customers and team members on one section of content at a time.

? To create a toggle, just select it in the list of objects or use the combination cmd/ctrl + ⌥/alt + 6.


Inline comments for mobile apps

Now you can comment on the go with our mobile apps! Here’s how:

  • Open notes on your phone
  • Select the text you want to comment on
  • Tap on the Add Comment icon

To view a comment, just tap on the icon on the right side of the block where you added it. You’ll also see all the comments for a note by tapping on the comments icon in the top right corner.

After your team has agreed on some comments, you can resolve them by clicking on the three-dot menu in the top right corner.

For your comfortable use, we’ve separated resolved and unresolved comments. You’ll find all unresolved comments by tapping on the comments icon in the top right corner. To see the comments that have already been resolved, tap on three dots in the top right corner and choose the needed option from the menu.

We are doing our best to add inline comments to the web client as soon as possible.

Inline comments

More features for mobile apps (Android & iOS)

Yes, we didn’t stop on comments. We’ve added even more options both for Android and iOS apps.

  • When you make your note public, a new window will appear. In it, you can get the public link and, if needed, set the password for the note.
  • You can change the name of your personal organization and subdomain right in your app! Just go to the Account menu and choose Personal organization settings.

Download the app for Android>>

And even more for iOS!

On iOS, you can:

  • Set the default folder for new notes. To do this, just open the folder menu and choose the option “Set as default”.
  • See notes from subfolders while opening a folder. For this, you should activate the option “Show notes from subfolders” in the Notes’ list settings
  • Customize shortcuts for the iOS app! Shortcuts are special commands that allow you to perform various actions with the app in one click. For example, you can open a desired workspace, add notes to a desired workspace or search in the selected workspace. More shortcuts are coming soon.
  • For your iPad, you can also try the split feature to open two notes simultaneously.

Download the app for iOS>>

Video editor for public pages

We know how you like adding visual messages to your notes. That’s why we’ve prepared a video editor! Record videos with Nimbus Capture or any other tools, add them to Nimbus Note and edit them right there!

This is the very first version of our video editor that enables you to trim videos. With it, you can easily grab desired fragments from your meetings or webinars and show your clients & teams exactly what they need.

The video editor is currently available only on public pages. To open it, click on the icon on the top right bar of the video.

Way more features will be coming soon for our video editor!

Video editor

Subdomains for everybody

Now every Nimbus Note user has their personal subdomain! This means everybody has personal links to notes in the format https://your-name.nimbusweb.me (no worries, older links will work as well, you won’t need to change them everywhere).

All our users automatically got their personal subdomains. If you don’t like the default subdomain generated based on your account email, you can change it at any time in your account settings.

Personal subdomains offer you a higher level of personalization and allow sharing ideas under your name!

Now, you can also create a name for your personal organization instead of the default title “Personal”.

You can level up your links even more with CNAME (custom domain). This changes your Nimbus links into the format https://your-brand.com. This and more features on personalization & branding are available in our Business plan. You can learn more about our business plan here>>

Want to unlock all the Nimbus powers? Try our business plan for free with a 14-day trial. No credit card required.

Your personal organization upgrade

Previously, you needed to start your business organization from scratch: move notes from one organization to another, arrange folders and tags. Now, you can upgrade an already existing personal organization to the business one.

Just click on your organization name in the left button corner and choose the option “Upgrade to Business” in the menu that appears.

With the business organization, you can get even more features for functionality and branding (adding your logo instead of Nimbus, customizing the web client and authorization page, and so on). Click here to learn more about branding & White Label >>


Even more options for your branding

Features for business users only

We’ve added two options to enhance your branding. All the features for your branding can be found in your business console (https://teams.nimbusweb.me/).

  1. On the authorization page, you can now disable the link “Create an account”.
  2. On public pages, you can remove the Print button

We’ve also improved the customer experience for your clients&teams. Now, if you use the White Label option and send an internal link to your client or colleague on the mobile, they won’t see any Nimbus mentions: just your logo and a default text.


PDF viewer pagination

We’ve added pagination for our PDF viewer. Turn PDF pages by clicking on the arrows and use PDF easily in Nimbus Note!


Now, if somebody mentions you, you will get a bigger notification text on your email. You can see who mentioned you and where. You can then go to the needed note in just one click.

Just before we finish, a few words about performance and speed. We’ve already done a lot and hope these updates are visible to our community. But we’re not stopping: there is a great update coming soon. It will help notes with tables load way faster than before. Very soon, your tables will perform even better and quicker.

What’s next?

We are working on and plan to release in the next 2-3 months:

  • comments in the web client,
  • editing of public pages,
  • setting permissions for selected folders (now only for workspaces).

Stay tuned, we share all our updates on our social media! Facebook

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