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2023 Recap: FuseBase Growth, Goals and Plans for the Future

As the curtains close on 2023, we want to take a moment and reflect on a year that marked a pivotal transition for us. Starting the year as Nimbus, we embarked on a journey of transformation, culminating in the birth of FuseBase.

This year wasn’t just about change; it was about bringing more value to you. Our evolution from Nimbus to FuseBase shows our strong dedication to creating innovative ideas, improving user experience and raising the bar in client collaboration standards.

Let’s have a retrospective on what has already happened and find out what awaits us in the future.

The Numbers Speak First

Before we move to the story behind FuseBase and big plans for the future, let us celebrate your 2023 highlights. This year, you have achieved many new heights by collaborating, managing projects and storing your knowledge with our solutions. We’ve witnessed a great interest in:

  • Client Portals. You set up  portals six times more than last year.
  • Tasks. You created and finished twice as many tasks.
  • Chat. Your chat conversations with teams and clients doubled.

Among your other favorite objects were:

  • Toggles. Empowering flexibility and control over information.
  • Hints. Guiding seamlessly through pages.
  • Comments. Making feedback easier to give and get.
  • Embeds. Centralizing all necessary information in one place.

Top embeds included the FuseBase pages, YouTube videos, Typeforms and Google Docs. Thank you for being active this year. Read further to see what we’ve prepared for you next.

Our Vision for Making Your Processes Smoother

Service like a Michelin Level Restaurant

Inside FuseBase, you can work in a kitchen (your workspace) with all the elements for knowledge and project management. In this kitchen, the team can interact with each other and prepare client orders. FuseBase also features a dining area (your client portal) where the client places orders, provides feedback to the team, makes real-time adjustments and experiences the final results.

Just like any restaurant owner, an account owner in FuseBase can change the name of their collaborative space and add elements of their own branding (White label solution). This way, they can make the space a part of their integral business ecosystem or tailor it to the individual client needs.

Such approach allows service businesses to structure their teamwork, improve client user experience and deliver services with the same quality as found in Michelin-starred restaurants.

Paul Sher, our CEO, created a walkthrough of the processes behind the concept.
Check it out 👇


Read more about rebranding and find answers to frequently asked questions

Evolving Further — The Next Step Is AI Automation

Following our successful launch in November 2023, we are now gearing up for an even more ambitious phase. Our team is committed to revolutionizing the way you work by enhancing the advanced AI features integrated into our platform. Our focus is on enhancing and streamlining your processes, making them more efficient, intuitive, and impactful.

Integrating AI automation can significantly reduce micro-management, which currently consumes up to 40% of professional services’ time. This shift will allow you as service providers to focus more on human relationships, billable hours and strategic objectives. FuseBase’s AI-powered client collaboration system will streamline both client collaboration and internal operations, fostering a more efficient and impactful workflow.

Boosting Your Functionality and Adding More Powers

Our transformation journey extends far beyond the change of name and brand identity. Now, you can experience an overhauled, improved interface and enhanced functionality and optimize your workflow even more.

What I appreciate most about FuseBase is the way it brings together all our client collaboration and project management into one centralized platform. Having everything integrated in one place eliminates the constant back and forth between disjointed apps that we dealt with previously. — Marta K, Marketing Manager

Setting up a smooth client collaboration using portals

2023 marked a significant milestone in the evolution of client portals. We’ve listened to and heard your feedback and created not just an efficient but a comfortable, collaborative space both for teams and clients.
Here is what you can experience right now:

  • Distinct areas for teams and clients, making project management more intuitive.
  • An easy-to-use, drag-n-drop customizer that helps build and tailor portals to your needs.
  • Simplified content management and navigation.
  • An editing feature to foster real-time client collaboration.
  • A robust file management system that ensures sharing and collaborating on files is a hassle-free experience.

Watch videos on how to work with client portals on our YouTube channel

FuseBase AI: a leap into the future

As we’ve mentioned before, one of our primary focuses for 2024 will be AI automation. You can already experience the powers of the AI assistant in your workspaces and:

  • Create content from scratch and improve it.
    Generate high-quality content from scratch and refine existing material with ease. Our AI assistant acts as your creative partner, streamlining the content creation process.
  • Analyze information on the page.
    Extract and understand key insights from any page in seconds. This feature is designed to save you time on research and data analysis, allowing you to make informed decisions quickly.
  • Replace the translator’s work and produce multilingual content and much more.
    Break language barriers with our AI-powered translator. Produce and adapt content in multiple languages, expanding your reach and making your work globally accessible.

But don’t just take our word for it! Check out how our community member Peter Wierenga has significantly reduced working hours, using FuseBase (formerly Nimbus) AI to enhance productivity and streamline processes.👇

Roadmap for 2024: Charting the Path Forward

While we’ve celebrated major changes and achievements this year, it’s the smaller, consistent improvements that truly shape the platform. Our commitment to enhancing your collaboration, knowledge sharing and project management experiences remains steadfast as we move forward.

Check out our roadmap to see what we are preparing for you

Growing Our Community and Getting More Recognition

This year has been truly remarkable for FuseBase, marked by an overwhelming wave of recognition and support from both our established community and newcomers. It’s been an exhilarating experience unlike anything we’ve felt before.

A big thanks for your continuous support, valuable feedback, and active participation in shaping and developing FuseBase. It’s a journey we’ve embarked on together, and the success we’ve achieved is as much yours as it is ours. We have something to be proud of!

Securing three titles at once — Product of the Day, Product of the Week, and Product of the Month

Introducing our innovative concept, FuseBase has quickly gathered recognition on Product Hunt. Thanks to you, our dear community, we’ve already become the Product of the Day, Product of the Week, and Product of the Month.
Here’s a summary from the first day of what we achieved with your support:

  • Over 1,000 upvotes during the first 12 hours;
  • Almost 1,500 upvotes by the end of the first day;
  • 1,800 new followers on Product Hunt;
  • Over 700 comments and reviews!

Crafting Client Relationships with Our Expertise

As we continue to refine our expertise in client collaboration and project management, we’re excited to share our knowledge and insights with you. Next year, expect a series of webinars on settling your work with clients, managing projects, and all the best business practices. Our in-house and invited renowned experts will help you all the way to building collaboration without hurdles.

Another good news is we are reviving our affiliate program. Now, you can learn about FuseBase, get all the necessary materials to promote it, and benefit yourself. Find out about the updated affiliate program here >

Wrapping Up 2023 and Setting Goals for Future

2023 was more than just a year of growth for FuseBase; it was a year of profound transformation. As we step into 2024, we are fueled by the successes and lessons of the past year, ready to embrace new challenges and continue leading the charge in innovative client collaboration.

Join us on this exhilarating journey as we set new client collaboration standards.

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