Updates and News

Top Nimbus Updates of May 2021

Are you ready for May updates? Hold on to your hats! We’ve prepared some delicious releases for you this month! Let’s get straight to it.

Starting from May 2021, you can:

➤ Add a side-bar outliner to your notes!
➤ Search faster
➤ Record audio and videos right in your note!
➤ Select and copy elements even more smoothly
➤ Pin needed pages in PDF files
➤ Get even more with your desktop versions!
➤ Use comments in iOS

Let’s delve a little more into details on using new features!

Add a side-bar outliner to your notes!

As promised, we’ve introduced a new table of contents!

Previously, you could only add an outliner to the body of your note. Now, you can add it to the sidebar outside the note. This greatly enhances navigation.

As always, the outliner is formed based on headings H1-H3. It can be collapsed or expanded according to your needs.

You can enjoy our new table of contents both in the web client and public pages. The new outliner is set by default on the public pages. If needed, business users can switch this off.

Check out more information here>>

Search faster

In May, we greatly improved our search engine. Now, your notes get indexed in seconds.

When you create a note, we scan its text and index it for better and faster search. For PRO and Business users, we also index text on pictures and in files. In just 10 seconds, we scan and categorize all the elements, and they appear in the search results!

More details in the guide>>

If you want to search in your files and pictures, consider upgrading your Nimbus subscription. Give your productivity a boost with this advanced feature and many more!

Search faster in Nimbus Note

Record audio and videos right in your note!

Yes, now, you can create visual messages right in your note!

As promised, we’ve added new objects Record audio and Record video. You can use them to:

  • add information 3x faster. No more typing long blocks of text—add what you need on the go;
  • show what you see and give straightforward instructions;
  • give feedback;
  • add a human touch to your communication.

Please note: for free users, there’s a limit of 5 minutes for recording both audio and video files.

For the moment, you can find this functionality only in the web version, but we’ll add it to other platforms as well.

Find out more info in our guide>>

Want to create professional annotated screenshots and recordings? Take a look at Nimbus Capture!

Select and copy elements even more smoothly

Selecting content is way smoother now. You can select content outside blocks and easily pick several blocks at once.

You can now also enjoy advanced copying. It’s easier to copy various elements at once: tables, columns, bookmarks, multi-level lists and so on. Select as many blocks as you need regardless of the type and copy them effortlessly. The last small problems with copying will be fixed in our next release.

Select and copy elements even more smoothly in Nimbus Note

Pin needed pages in PDF files

When you add a PDF file, you can set the default page in it. This is extremely useful when you have a PDF with too many pages but want to bring the attention to a specific page. With the default page, your clients and colleagues can immediately find what you’re pointing attention to!

Once set, the page will be shown in both the web version and public pages.

Not rocket science, find out how>>

Get even more with your desktop versions!

We’ve worked on the editor to increase the loading speed of notes’. What’s more, we’ve added a duplicating feature on the desktop! You can now copy any note on Windows and Mac (but only while you’re online). Other small bugs were fixed too.

Use comments in iOS

Besides several fixes, we’ve added a completely new feature: comments for iOS! For now, you can comment on some blocks. We will continue to work on it, so soon you’ll see the comment feature on other platforms and at a greater scale!

Download Nimbus Note for iOS>>

What’s next?

We’re putting the last touches, and you’ll see it all in June:

  • Comments on specific blocks for Android;
  • Mobile Clipper for saving articles and sites (iOS).

We’re continuing our work on:

  • Comments on blocks on the Web;
  • Custom SMTP server;
  • Button object;
  • Quick access to the menu of objects with a slash.

Before you go, there are some great practices that can help you enhance visual messages (screenshots and recordings). Our last article is super short and practical — check it out >>

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