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2022 Nimbus Recap: Highlights and Best Trends

It’s time to turn the last page of this year. But before we jump into 2023, let’s look at how this year went. Spoiler, it was full of events for Nimbus, which we wouldn’t accomplish without you, our users. Thanks to you, we’ve evolved and achieved a lot. We got new investors on board that helped us launch multiple initiatives and scale Nimbus.

So play your Spotify Wrapped playlist for this year to get the vibe and relive our best Nimbus moments of 2022!

Stats and Trends in 2022

What can better describe the company’s growth than numbers? Let’s see how you, our clients, used Nimbus in 2022 and what features they enjoyed the most.

Enhancing client collaboration

We are over the moon to see how you share information and collaborate with clients and teams in Nimbus. The number of shared pages has significantly increased during 2022. What’s more, you’ve already set up more than one thousand client portals. And that’s only since their release in November!

Taking the side of visual communication

You’ve taken 52% more screenshots with Nimbus Capture compared to 2021. BTW, we’ve enhanced a desktop version of Nimbus Capture for you. Select it or work with browser extensions to make visual communication a breeze. Choose your variant here >>

Acting and promoting brands

107 thousand tasks were assigned, labeled and set with deadlines since April. 30% of our users chose to parade their brand and promote their services using custom domains and other benefits of the White Label solution in Nimbus.

Broadening horizons

Together with growing numbers, we’ve increased our community around the globe. Now our solutions help to collaborate and organize knowledge seamlessly in the US and Europe, where we’ve already registered our trademarks.

We want to thank our community for helping us with German localization. Together we’ve put this process on rails so that for more and more users, Nimbus solutions sound native.
BTW, if you are a native German speaker and/or want to discuss Nimbus in German, welcome to our German group on Facebook.

☝ We don’t stop there. We also plan to add French, Ukrainian, Spanish, and other languages.

How Our Company Grew in 2022

With the investors by our side, we’ve moved at a breakneck speed this year. They helped us develop our solutions, enlarge the Nimbus team and launch multiple initiatives.

New Partnership Program — the hottest deal you can get!

We’ve optimized the conditions and got three times more requests for our partnership program this year. Now you can promote Nimbus among your friends and colleagues and get your benefit each time they renew their subscription.

Support for non-profit organizations

Our goal is to provide NGOs, students, and teachers with a powerful tool. Supporting you in helping others is an honor. And educating another generation is a dream we strive to fulfill. That’s why we offer special conditions for each of you who is already making this world better.

A Pilot Program for a seamless start

We’re picking 30 lucky digital companies or service businesses and giving them free access to Nimbus for three months. During this time, they will get 24/7 support from our team to set up processes in Nimbus. You can take part in the program too. Read more about conditions >> and hop on the last train. There are only a couple of places left.

Smooth onboarding from the first days

This year, we dug deeper. We conducted many comprehensive surveys to get to know your preferences better. As a result, we have new onboarding tours inside Nimbus and a higher retention rate. Now you get more tips and hints on vast Nimbus powers right at the beginning of your journey.

A blog full of insights

You can get more interesting and exclusive insights in the Nimbus blog now. Our team worked all the year round and increased the number of articles about Nimbus solutions, teamwork, client relationships, personal productivity, and super documents. Go ahead, read our articles and find out something new from our caring team every day.

Lots of recognitions and awards

In 2022 we’ve reaped the benefits of our high activity and productivity. You’ve estimated Nimbus solutions so high this year that we have more awards than stars in the sky ✨

You’ve named us the best regarding Knowledge Management, Client Portals, Fastest Implementations and Note-Taking Management. Each month we’ve got recognition as Leaders, Front Runners, High Performers, Trusted Vendors and more from G2, Capterra, Software Advice, Get App and others.

A community of ready-to-help experts

Our community of 30 experts has continued to guide Nimbus newcomers. We want to thank our professionals from digital marketing, product and project management fields for their dedication. Having explored Nimbus by themselves, they’ve helped others to start their way in Nimbus for over two years now!

How Your Nimbus Powers Increased in 2022

Nimbus has always been about motion. As we mentioned before, we’ve set our path toward integral collaboration and knowledge management. This year, you could enjoy multiple new enhancements. Let’s take a look of the most crucial ones (can you imagine that all these powerful features were created in 2022??):

Build no-code websites – Client Portals

Nimbus Portals are centralized hubs where your clients will find all the information they need: updates, reports & roadmaps. What’s more, these hubs are fully based on Nimbus pages.

Using client portals powered by Nimbus, you basically get both back offices (Nimbus workspaces) as your knowledge bases and external customized portals with granular accesses. Work internally with your team, show externally the results to your clients.

Manage your access on different levels

Easily set up a whole hierarchy of accesses, both at the workspace and folder levels. It will help you invite members to specific folders and make them concentrate on their chunks of work.

Chat with your team & clients in the place you work

You can freely work and discuss your projects in one place! Create 1-to-1 chats and public & private channels without the need to switch to other tools.

Comment on your text, pictures, tables and more

Give your feedback quickly right on the Nimbus pages. You can comment on any information blocks (text, pictures, tables, files and more) to ask for clarification and brainstorm ideas. Just mention the person you want to start a discussion with and leave your comment.

Track events in your workspaces via the Activity Panel

Get a bird’s eye view of your projects! Find the Activity Panel in the left sidebar and track all events in your workspace. Watch when your team or clients comment on projects, mention other members, create new pages, and more.

Divide your ambitious goals into tasks

Create tasks to turn your ideas into different processes. Assign tasks to your team, label them with statuses and add deadlines. Then gather all your tasks by various topics in the task lists to filter and keep track of them.

Organize information on pages with Collapsible Headings

Your information management goes to a new level. Try Collapsible Headings to order your content on pages. With them, you can store important information in sections and easily access it from the outline on the left.

Record and edit your videos more professionally

This year, we went BIG on enhancing your video options. Now you can crop, select the playback speed and add CTAs to your videos. Moreover, you can create screenshots and recordings from the Gmail window and send them to your team and clients immediately.

What Awaits You in 2023

We want to be one of those tools (and hopefully already are) that makes your collaboration seamless. And not only collaboration but knowledge management too. In 2023, we will focus on enhancing Nimbus’s existing powers and adding new ones. More features, more initiatives, more recognition. Next year you’ll have:

  • New portal powers. Get more customizable themes, advanced analytics and the ability to monetize your content within the portal. On top of that, you’ll add tasks and chat with your clients right in the portal.
  • Enhanced tasks. Check your progress on tasks, attach different files to them, and get a bird’s eye view on all tasks in one organization.
  • More integrations. Gather even more of your favorite tools in one place.
  • Nimbus forms. Collect data and get feedback from your clients easier.
  • Kanban boards. Manage your sprints right in Nimbus workspaces.
  • Multiple template frameworks. Get a ready-made customizable framework depending on your field: marketing, sales, knowledge management and so on.
  • Table cross filters. Sort and find information in tables within workspaces.
  • New interface. Enjoy a more intuitive interface and navigate easier.

Looks great, doesn’t it? Stay tuned with us to enjoy these skyrocketing updates first. See you in 2023!

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