Forbidding of editing of individual blocks

You can forbid editing of individual blocks on a page, which is especially important if you have a lot of members in your workspaces and you do not want important content to be accidentally deleted.

Lock blocks are available only to users of the business plan.

In Nimbus Note, you can forbid editing of individual blocks in a page, which is especially important if you have a lot of members in your workspaces and you do not want important content to be accidentally deleted.
  • Click on the block menu.
  • Select Lock block to deny editing.
Select Lock block to deny editing.
  • Click on the lock icon to unlock the block.
Click on the lock icon to unlock the block.

☝ Note: You can also disable editing for multiple blocks at once. Just select them and change the setting in the menu.

You can also disable editing for multiple blocks at once. Just select them and change the setting in the menu.

Only owners / managers of the organization and workspace admins have access to locking block edits.

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