Key Role Differences – Guest, Member, Manager and Client

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When you invite a colleague, friend or client to FuseBase, you can choose from several User Roles:

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Guest #

  • Has access to the Internal Space.
  • Can be allowed or denied access to the Customizer and Portal.
  • Can only be a member of one workspace at a time.
  • You can set an expiration date for a guest, after which they will lose access to the organization.

Member #

  • Has all features in the Internal Space: they can create and edit folders or notes.
  • Can be allowed or denied access to the Customizer and Portal.
  • Can be a member of more than one workspace at the same time.
  • Has no access to the organization management (cannot create workspaces or invite new members).

Manager #

  • Has access to the Internal Space.
  • Can be allowed or denied access to the Customizer and Portal.
  • Can create new workspaces and delete old ones.
  • Has access to all workspaces in the organization by default.
  • Can invite other members to the organization and portals.

Client #

  • A member of the organization for collaboration.
  • Has no access to the Internal Space or Customizer.
  • Can be allowed or denied access to the Portal.

Clients are needed for working with portals. For example, if you are a design agency developing design solutions, you can send contracts, documents, and the designs themselves to the customer through a portal. You wouldn’t want the portal’s content to be accessible to everyone, but you also wouldn’t want to invite the customer as a full member of the organization. This is where the client role comes in handy; you can invite a client to a portal for collaboration.

In addition to User Roles, it is essential to understand the different Permissions Levels in your workspaces. Click here to learn more about permissions.

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