Organization logo

The company logo is displayed in various places, including the authorization page and settings. You can see the Nimbus Note logo or icon with a symbol from the company name. If you wish, you can upload your logo.

1) On the company settings page, click Organization logos –

On the company settings page, click Organization logos

You can download a small or big logo –

You can download a small or big logo

A small logo is used in the following cases:

a) In the organization settings –

A small logo is used in the following cases

b) In the web client, desktop and mobile clients –

A small logo is used in the following cases

c) For pages in the embed –

A small logo is used in the following cases

d) As the icon for favorites in the web client –

A small logo is used in the following cases

A big logo is used in the following cases:

a) On the authorization page in the web client –

A big logo is used in the following cases

b) On error pages (This case occurs when a link to a company was opened by an unauthorized user from another place) –

A big logo is used in the following cases

2) You must click on the logo to upload it –

A big logo is used in the following cases

3) Then you should click on Choose image and select a specific image –

A big logo is used in the following cases

4) Make a selection and check the box –

Make a selection and check the box

If you need to choose another picture, then you should click on X.

5) Click on Use it and wait for the image to load –

Click on Use it and wait for the image to load

If the actions are performed correctly, it will be possible to select and upload another image using the Upload new function. If you want to delete the picture, then you should click on Reset –

 If you want to delete the picture, then you should click on Reset

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