Import from HTML

Import from HTML #

By importing files from HTML, you can transfer data from other services, such as Notion, Quip, Bear, etc. You can also import previously exported pages from Nimbus Note.

  • In the page’s three-dot menu select Import.
  • Click on HTML in the window that appears.
  • Select HTML file or ZIP archive with HTML file (in this case, if pictures exist, they will be also imported).
  • Next, the import process will begin. Its duration depends on the size of the HTML file.
  • Once the import is complete, you can work with the imported page.
By importing files from HTML, you can transfer data from other services, such as Notion, Quip, Bear, etc. You can also import previously exported pages from Nimbus Note.
By importing files from HTML, you can transfer data from other services, such as Notion, Quip, Bear, etc. You can also import previously exported pages from Nimbus Note.

How to export a page to HTML in Notion? #

First, you need to export the page in Notion:

  • Click on the icon at the top right of any Notion page you want to export.
  • Click Export. A window will pop up at the center of your screen asking what format you want to download and whether to include sub-pages.
  • Choose HTML from the dropdown.
  • Next, you can import the page into Nimbus Note through the import menu.
How to export a page to HTML in Notion?

How to export a page to HTML in Quip? #

  • Click on the top bar Document.
  • Select Export – > HTML.
  • Next, you can import the page into Nimbus Note through the import menu.
How to export a page to HTML in Quip?

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