Business/Teams account | HTML / JS injections for integrations

Bring your Team/Business Organization to the next level using JS/HTML code injections. Add Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, Intercom-like chats and chatbots. Also, include marketing tools like Call-to-Action buttons or Surveys into the Web Client or Public Pages. Here are some examples of services you can integrate:

  • Typeform
  • Google Form
  • Google Analytics
  • Intercom
  • Facebook pixel
  • Call to action services
  • And much more

Note: This functionality is available only for organizations in their own domain (CNAME).

Note: All members who have access to the business panel (Owner / Manager) will be able to add code.

Add script #

To add a script you need to do the following.

  • Go to organization console.
  • Go to workspace management.
  • Click the three dots menu for the workspace.
  • Select Custom HTML / JS.
Add script
  • The script management page will open. To add a script, click Add HTML / JS.
The script management page will open. To add a script, click Add HTML / JS.
  • Next, the page for adding code will open:
    • Name – the name of the script.
    • Head – a form for inserting the code that will be added to the <head> </head> block.
    • Body – a form for inserting code that will be added to the <body> </body> block.
    • Use the radio button to select where to add the code body: at the top of the page or at the bottom.
    • Use the checkboxes to select where to add the code: public links or the web client.
    • Press Publish.
To add a script you need to do the following.

☝ Note: If you do not select a checkbox, then the script will not be added anywhere.

Script management page #

  • On the management page you can see the list of added scripts:
    • Name
    • Where is the code added
    • Author
    • Date of change
Script management page

Script menu #

Click on the three dots menu and you will be able to:

  • Edit script
  • Deactivate script
  • Delete
Script menu

Examples: #

Note: You can add code to both the public page and the web client in unlimited numbers. For example, you can add Zoho Chat to your public page and call-to-action services to your web client.

Intercom #

You can read more here

Zoho chat #

Call to action services (GetSiteControl) #

Read more about Google Fonts

Read more about Google Analytics

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