Converting video to Motion graphics

In this guide, we will show you how to add a motion video to a page. For example, this is what it will look like for a Knowledge base.

In this guide, we will show you how to add a motion video to a page. For example, this is what it will look like for a Knowledge base.

Add video file #

  • To create a video block, select File or use cmd/ctrl + shift + f.
  • Upload video files from your computer, or drag and drop them.
Add video file

Motion mode #

  • Click on the three dots menu next to the block.
  • Select Video settings.
  • Then select Motion video.
Motion mode

? You will have a zingy video in one click. It looks great on landing pages and in knowledge bases.

Adding motion to web page through embed #

You can create a page with motion graphics, then copy the embed code and paste it into your web page.

  • Right-click on the page and select Get a public link.
You can create a page with motion graphics, then copy the embed code and paste it into your web page.
  • Then switch to Embed code.
  • You can change the size of the embed, and set the height and width.
You can change the size of the embed, and set the height and width.

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