FuseBase Automation – Quick Guide

Explaining FuseBase automation #

The FuseBase automation module allows you to automate internal processes within FuseBase and integrate them with other services. Here are a couple of automation and integration use cases as examples:

  • You sent an invite to a client in the portal, and a folder with the template you need was automatically created for them in the portal.
  • You added a client to the CRM (e.g., Monday or Leadconnector), and a portal was automatically created for them, and the client was invited to it.

How to Access the Automation Module

To access the automation module, click on the corresponding icon in the organization’s navbar:

Overview of the Automation Module

Upon first opening, you will land on the main page of the module:

Let’s walk through the main elements of the automation module:


Here, you will find a list of all automation flows. A flow is the actual automation process. Each flow consists of a trigger that starts the flow and at least one action. For example, if you want to automatically create a record in your CRM when a client is added to the portal, the trigger is the client being added, and the action is creating the CRM record.


Here, you will find a list of all triggered runs and their statuses. Each trigger activation initiates a run. For instance, in the flow “Adding a client to the portal → automatically create a record in your CRM,” if 10 clients are added, the flow will run 10 times, resulting in 10 runs.


Here, you will find a list of services you want to integrate with FuseBase:

To add a new service, click on “New Connections” and select the desired service from the list:

Next, you need to connect your account. Don’t worry—you won’t need to enter your email/password; usually, a special Client ID or API Token, which is easy to find in the account settings, will suffice:


Here, you will find statistics on automation usage, as well as the option to increase the limit on the number of runs you can initiate.

Creating the first flow #

Let’s create our first flow. Assume it will look like this:

  1. We add a new client to the Monday table (the table in Monday must already be created).
  2. The client is automatically added to the selected portal.
  3. After adding the client, we send a notification to a Slack channel.

1) Go to the automation module.

2) Add Monday and Slack to Connections:

3) Go to Flows and select Build Flow:

4) First, select the trigger that will initiate the entire flow. In our case, it’s adding a client in Monday. Select Monday as the trigger:

Next, specify your account and the necessary table:

5) Then, click on Test Trigger. This is necessary to obtain data for actions:

6) Next, create an action. In our case, this is inviting the client to the Fusebase portal. Click on + and select Fusebase:

To invite the client, we need an email. We take it from the trigger (this is why we did the Test Trigger):

In the Monday table, we created a special column for the email. This is what we will specify:

Next, specify the client’s name (also taken from Monday) and the portal to which the client will be invited:

8) Next, we want to send a message in Slack. Click on + and select Slack:

9) Then, choose the appropriate channel and message (we chose “Client (client’s email) invited to portal (portal URL)”):

10) Next, click on Publish to save our flow:

11) After publication, our flow is displayed in the list:

12) To run the flow, the trigger must be activated. In our case, this is adding a client to the Monday table. You can check the flow’s operation through Runs, where you will find a list of all triggered automation runs, both successful and unsuccessful.

Current list of triggers and actions for FuseBase automation #

Triggers #

  • New Client Invited
    • Trigger activates when a new client is invited via a magic link.
  • New Task List Created
    • Triggers upon the creation of a new task list.
  • New Kanban Board Created
    • Triggers upon the creation of a Kanban board.
  • New Task Added
    • Activates when a new task is added to any task list or kanban.
  • New Assignee Assigned
    • Triggers when a task is assigned to a team member or client.
  • Task Deadline Reached
    • Trigger activates when a task reaches its deadline.
  • New Label Added
    • Triggers when a new label is added to a task.
  • Task Moved on Kanban Board
    • Activates when a task is moved to a different column on the Kanban board.
  • Task Completed
    • Triggered when a task is marked as completed.
  • Task Reopened
    • Triggered when a task is reopened after being completed.

Actions #

  • Invite Client to Portal
    • Send a magic link to invite a client to join the portal.
  • Invite Member to Portal
    • Send a magic link to invite a team member to join the portal.
  • Create Folder in New Portal
    • Create a new folder in the sidebar of a newly created portal.
  • Create Folder in Existing Portal
    • Create or duplicate a folder in the sidebar of an existing portal.
  • Create New Portal
    • Set up a new portal within a new workspace.
  • Invite Client to Portal Folder
    • Send a magic link to invite a client directly to a specific folder within the portal.
  • Create New Workspace
    • Set up a new workspace for project management and client collaboration.
  • Invite to Existing Workspace
    • Send an invitation to join an existing workspace.
  • Invite to New Workspace
    • Send an invitation to join a newly created workspace.
  • Create Task List
    • Set up a new task list within the selected workspace or portal.
  • Create New Task
    • Create a new task within the specified task list or kanban board.
  • Create New Board
    • Set up a new board for managing tasks and projects.
  • Add Label
    • Assign a label to tasks for better organization and filtering.
  • Add Assignee
    • Assign a task to a specific team member or client.
  • Move Task to Board Column
    • Relocate a task from one board column to another.
  • Update Task Deadline
    • Update the deadline for the task.
  • Complete Task
    • Mark the task as completed.
  • Reopen Task
    • Mark the task as not completed.
  • Add Task Deadline
    • Add a deadline to the task (if it doesn’t already have one).

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